Tag Archives: Jesse Ventura quotes

Drunken Irish…and other memorable quotes from Jesse

jesse ventura quotes

When I think of Irish (today being St. Patty’s Day), I think of Jesse Ventura. Why? Well, one of my favorite quotes from the lovable former Minnesota Governor occured in 1999 when Jesse appeared on the David Letterman show:

“Whoever designed the streets (in St. Paul) must have been drunk. I think it was those Irish guys, you know what they like to do.” – Jesse Ventura on Late Night with David Letterman

Today’s blog is dedicated to this fellow baldie’s other memorable quotes.

I’ve compiled a list of my other favorites. Whether he was sticking his foot in his mouth, or just telling it like he thought it was, I have to admire Jesse, because you ALWAYS knew where he stood on an issue:

Jesse Ventura Quotes

“Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people’s business.” – Jesse Ventura, in a November 1999 issue of Playboy Magazine

Jesse Ventura - Ain't got time to bleed

“I decided to run for governor because I got mad… I want to make government more directly accountable to the people.” – Jesse Ventura

jesse ventura wrestler“I asked Dalai Lama the most important question that I think you could ask – if he had ever seen Caddyshack.” – Jesse Ventura

“Wrestling is ballet with violence.” – Jesse Ventura

I also believe that government has no business telling us how we should live our lives. I think our lifestyle choices should be left up to us. What we do in our private lives is none of the government’s business. That position rules out the Republican Party for me.” – Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura - boa

“If I could be reincarnated as a fabric, I would come back as a 38 double-D bra.” – Jesse Ventura

“Congratulations, you have a sense of humor. And to those who didn’t: Go stick your head in the mud.” – Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura Wiki Facts:

Jesse Ventura (born July 15, 1951), also known as “The Body”, “The Star”, and “The Governing Body”, is an American politician, retired professional wrestler, Navy UDT veteran, actor, and former radio and television talk show host. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2004. He is also a 1-time AWA Tag Team Champion.

In the Minnesota gubernatorial election of 1998 he was elected the 38th Governor of Minnesota and served from January 4, 1999 to January 6, 2003 without seeking a second term.

In January of 2008, the Associated Press reported that a new book authored by Ventura, titled Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me is scheduled for release in April. In it, according to the report, Ventura suggests that he is a potential presidential candidate for 2008.

What does any of this have to do with marketing?

Great question. Jesse was different. He was the anti-politician’s Politician. As a marketer, he knew how to get attention, how to create headlines, and how to be truthful. I think we can all take a page from the Jesse Ventura book on marketing.


Chris Mitchell is the President and Founder of 25-8 Marketing, Inc, a full service advertising agency in Elk River, Minnesota. He plans and implements marketing programs for small to medium-sized businesses. Mitchell is a consultant, speaker and author and has worked with hundreds of companies. He has over 20 years of real-world advertising experience, and understands the marketing challenges of the small business owner.

website: http://www.258marketing.com
email: chris@258marketing.com